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Password Management Checklist
Password Policy Enforcement
Ensure passwords meet complexity requirements (e.g., length, character types).
Implement password expiration policies.
Require users to change default passwords upon first login.
Enforce account lockout after a certain number of failed login attempts.
Disallow the use of commonly used or easily guessable passwords.
Password Storage and Security
Store passwords using strong hashing algorithms (e.g., bcrypt, PBKDF2).
Use salt to enhance password security.
Disable caching of passwords in browsers and applications.
Encrypt passwords in transit using TLS/SSL.
Regularly audit and update password storage policies.
User Education and Support
Conduct regular training sessions on password best practices.
Provide guidelines on creating strong and memorable passwords.
Educate users on the risks of password reuse across multiple sites.
Offer a secure password manager to users to store and manage passwords.
Establish a clear process for password recovery and resets.
Administrative and Monitoring Controls
Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) for administrative accounts.
Regularly review and update administrative access controls.
Monitor and log all access attempts and password changes.
Perform routine audits of password policies and compliance.
Establish incident response procedures for password-related security breaches.